Monday, January 20, 2014

Second Life Helpful Tools Meme

One of my favorite blogs to follow is Strawberry Singh's blog.  She came up with a Meme for the week to have everyone take a photo of a screenshot showing the HUDs that make our second life easier.

Here are mine: 

1. Anypose Expression HUD - This is my MUST HAVE!  I take photos all the time and I use it to move my eyes and it also allows me to control the eyes of any person I'm taking a photo of.  It's also free so go to MP and get yours!

2. My Huddles is on the top of my screen and has a set of 20 poses that are random and general and if I need to pose quickly, I have some to choose from.

3. My DV C for runway shows which I don't really need every day, but it's so small, I typically don't even notice it and it's always up and ready to go.

4. My top right is just one runway walk that I have set so when my ao is turned off, I don't walk around like a noob.  :D

5. Bottom right is my tried and true Gaeline Animations AO which I've had so long and I should really get a new one, but this AO feels so much a part of me that I can't really part with it.

6. My bloodlines HUD which I don't use or haven't used in years, but I like the radar on it, so I keep it.  I'm sure there are better Radars out there, but I'm a creature of habit, so I've kept this one around.

7.  And finally, I don't use this all the time, but when I'm taking photos, phototools is essential for me to set the sun position to get the shadow effect I want in world.  This photo is untouched, and uncropped, but thanks to my phototools I am able to get a pretty good photo that doesn't need too much touching up.  I use firestorm, so I'm not sure if this feature is available in other viewers.

What HUDs can't you live without?  Take the challenge and make your own meme! :-)

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